Matt S Trout wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 02:14:11AM -0700, Linda A. Walsh wrote:
>> They already told me to write a do exactly this.
> I propose a more sensible name of From::Memory - i.e.
>   use From::Memory 'Package::Name';
    If course the status quo would promote something more obscure and difficult
to use.  I use it alot, so no colons, no caps, and no quotes.

use mem;

by itself, works.
> This is not a pragma anyway.
    Oh?  I was told that by default, when you did a
use module name, perl wasn't able to used an already, in-memory version
and rely on near-term storage rather than going out and searching on disk.

It seems that a pragma that alters this behavior is exactly what this is.

It alters the default behavior of something perl couldn't do.

>> This is my result.  Besides I am not a part of p5p -- I have been
>> specifically excluded from them by their leadership.
>> Therefore, it does not make sense to hold this up over such -
>> as they've already indicated they don't need to discuss things with me.
>> Check the archives around last October, I think.  Ricardo was fully
>> supported in throwing  a hissy fit over something dreadfully mundane.
> You repeated poor behaviour was driving off people who were actually going
> to contribute something useful.
    My repeated bad behavior?  Um... check the record.  I *responded* to
disrespectful, "privileged" and typically male dominating, ignoring anything a
female has to say -- though I know it goes well beyond that.

    I was prevented from contributing things that were useful as you are trying
to do now.   It's not a matter of  "oh, well, I would have done something useful
if it hadn't been for the mean words of that terrible person", no... I already 
done something useful and you want to stop it from going in.

    The list membership more than once claimed issue with the fact that I had
not done something that they could point to -- and now that I have, you want to
bury it in a way that it won't be used.

> Ricardo intervened and -stopped- you being banned for several further months
> in order to try and get you to become a constructive participant on p5p.
    For a list that is ***ADVERTISED*** on the perl site as being
"High volume and temperature rating." -- it is the only list that people have
been so sensitive and immature as to ban me for my opinions...  I didn't swear,
I never started any offense, but didn't take lightly to being treated like a
child -- which was the attitude of the old-time-status quo folk who are
graspingly holding on to their old power and old way of doing things and refuse
to allow new opinions and fresh ideas to be heard or implemented.

    Why do you think Larry left perl5 development for a new language -- he knew
that he'd never get changes past the cabal.
> Sadly, you prefer blaming everybody else to considering that if everybody on 
> a list finds your behaviour obnoxious (hence his being "fully supported") 
> then the problem is probably yours.  
    Nearly every George Bush/Cheney type who are comfortable and believe it is
their right to walk on others, find my attitude offensive or obnoxious -- I
don't bow down to those who hold themselves more important than me and demand
that I respect that.  I DO respect those who don't demand that and demonstrate
their abilities by their acts, deeds and attitudes.

    Anyone who knows me over any range of situations knows that I most often --
even unconsciously, mirror the communication of those communicating to me.
Those who are respectful and nice, I am compelled to be such to them.  Those who
are objectionable and hostile -- trigger a like response.  Unfortunately, my
ability to "pre-edit" what I say is limited.  While some people like my honesty
and forthrightness, there are many more who prefer backstabbing and political
games -- with those people I don't do so well.
> Any time you decide to try and be constructive and are able to clearly
> articulate your plan for doing so in a way that indicates you understand this
> fact, I will be happy to advocate for your reinstatement.
> Until then, please don't pollute with your social skills 
> problems.
    Sorry, as a spokesperson for p5p, you are showing the typical interpersonal
skills that evoke exactly opposite the behavior you claim to want.  As long as
the list is filled with prima dona's with condescension and claims of how
"patient you've tried to be (on a list advertised as high temp, but really, has
the among the lowest tolerance for temperature of any list been on).

        BTW -- I was on the list since, at least since 2002 -- likely before,
but that's all my online logs go back to .

        Funny how people thought I was a newcomer.

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