On Sun, Dec 01, 2013 at 10:42:10PM +0200, Marius Gavrilescu wrote:
> I will include that in a lesson about PAUSE. I register my modules for
> three reasons:
> 1. Feedback on module name
> 2. My registered modules list is my Perl To-Do list (specifically, the
> under construction ones).
> 3. Modules registered as ideas are modules I'd like to see on CPAN
> [0]. Maybe somebody [1] will create a "CPAN WNPM" [2] service which will
> use this as one source of prospective modules. (or maybe there already
> is a similar service which I'm not aware of).

I think you might find that (1) is handled by prepan.org, (2) might be well
handled by questhub.io, and (3) ... I dunno how we'd do that, questhub might
be one place. Certainly, nobody's going to use the registered modules
information to produce such a list due to its mostly-obsolescence.
> Maybe App::InteractivePerlTutorial, with script
> interactive-perl-tutorial would be better, though it is quite long (not
> a problem for people who use TAB completion)?

I like InteractivePerlTutorial and I think I'd argue that anybody wants
a GUI tutorial is probably going to use tab completion ... or make some
sort of UI shortcut for it :)

Matt S Trout - Shadowcat Systems - Perl consulting with a commit bit and a clue

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