Sorry for silence.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:39 PM, Alex Vandiver <>wrote:

> Heya,
>   I'm writing to request co-maintainer status on Email::Address::List
> for ALEXMV and FALCONE.  The current maintiner, RUZ, hasn't responded to
> several requests for such over the last week and a half, and a new
> release is necessary to close a denial-of-service vulnerability,
> CVE-2014-1474.
>   The module was also originally produced while Ruslan was working for
> Best Practical, and the official repository for it
> ( ) is still under
> Best Practical's namespace.  As such, the ability to cut releases to fix
> security vulnerabilities would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
>  - Alex

Best regards, Ruslan.

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