On 04/10/2014 02:34 PM, David Golden wrote:
Hi, Bruce.  I've fixed that for you so you should be able to do a
password reset request and then login based on that information.

Something seems to still be wrong: I tried the reset at
but never got an email; gmail doesn't seem to have marked
it as spam.   I retried the reset in wild desperation
and it told me that a token had been sent in the
last 6 hrs and was still valid.

Perhaps the email address is still wrong,
(should be the one up there ^), or
the old one is cached somewhere?

I'm surprised we don't validate the field better.  I'll file a ticket for that.

David Golden
PAUSE Admin for IDs

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 8:45 AM, NebCon, Inc <nebcon...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Pause folks;
   while registering for a PAUSE account,
with id brmiller, I mistyped my email address
nebconinc.gmail.com which is obviously invalid,
and should be

Of course, since I'm not getting the emails
to finish setting up the account, I can't correct
the email address!

Could you please fix the address in the database?


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