
After double checking, triple checking, and searching for help, am not sure
why the indexer is failing for the just released MCE::Shared v1.007.
Previously, the version was not properly quoted.

Previously, ...

    file: lib/MCE/Hobo.pm
    version: 1.006_02
    file: lib/MCE/Shared.pm
    version: 1.006_02

To, ...

    file: lib/MCE/Hobo.pm
    version: '1.007'
    file: lib/MCE/Shared.pm
    version: '1.007'

I'm not sure what to do. Thank you in advance for any enlightenment. I even
tried reindexing, but received the same email.

Thank you,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PAUSE <upl...@pause.perl.org>
Date: Wed, May 25, 2016 at 6:53 PM
Subject: Failed: PAUSE indexer report MARIOROY/MCE-Shared-1.007.tar.gz
To: marioe...@gmail.com, andreas.koenig.gmwojprw+pa...@franz.ak.mind.de

The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.
Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions.

  User: MARIOROY (Mario Roy)
  Distribution file: MCE-Shared-1.007.tar.gz
  Number of files: 33
  *.pm files: 13
  README: MCE-Shared-1.007/README.md
  META-File: MCE-Shared-1.007/META.json
  META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414
  META-driven index: yes
  Timestamp of file: Wed May 25 21:40:22 2016 UTC
  Time of this run: Wed May 25 22:53:12 2016 UTC

META release_status is not stable, will not index

Nothing in this distro has been
          indexed, because according to META.yml this
          package does not provide any modules.


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