Dear all,

I'd like to request co-maint on some of Tobyink's modules. I know this is 
not something you do lightly, and it is not something I request lightly. I 
consider him a friend, and we've met IRL several times. 

Please see attached my most recent email to him. In addition, I first sent 
him an email 2015-07-30 simply telling him that we miss him (without any 
technical requests). Then, I asked if I could get co-maint of App::perlrdf 
using on 2016-02-09. Then, another email on 26/07/2017 
about porting his RDFa stuff to Attean. As you probably know, Toby said in 
February that he was back from a long hiatus:
and he was updating modules for a while earlier this year. I had no 
responses though. Then, in August, there were some threads about 
HTML5::HTML::Parser, which we have been unsuccessful in fixing. I sent him a 
personal email about that on 2017-08-17. This most recent email I sent to, since that was what we've used for most 
communication in the past.

Then, I posted at Perl Monks:

Although I have his phone number, I haven't used that. It feels like being 
unnecessarily intrusive, if he can't set aside time for this stuff, then 
bothering him on the phone doesn't seem right.

Therefore, I hope you can help me with co-maint on some of his modules. 
Mostly, I do RDF stuff. I have concrete patches to RDF::DOAP and 
Dist::Inkt::DOAP (I suspect Toby and I are the only users of the latter), 
and some stuff on RDF::RDFa::Generator. The first two are only very minimal 
changes, the latter are fairly intrusive. In addition, App::perlrdf is in a 
bad state. I don't know if I can find the time to do anything about it, so, 
I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you want to give me co-maint on 
that too.

Best regards,

--- Begin Message ---
Hi Toby!

I saw your announcement that you were back, but I haven't from you on any 
of the open issues. I'd like to offer to co-maint some of the modules on 
CPAN, please let me know what you'd like. 

There are some small things, and some bigger. To take the small things 
first. I'm now co-mainting DOAP, and I got in a property for support forum, 
which I intend to use for IRC in Dist::Inkt, so I have a pull request open 
for that:
and for Dist::Inkt.
If you give me co-maint for those, I can certainly do this myself. I 
haven't got any further big plans in that area.

The bigger thing is the migration of RDF::RDFa::Generator to Attean. I have 
a compatibility layer now that should help to do this, but I think we 
should probably split the current code so that Trine-specific things is a 
distro of itself. I can offer to do this too if you grant me co-maint on 

I don't know if you've noticed the problems around UTF8 in 
HTML::HTML5::Parser. It is about to be removed from Debian, and we wouldn't 
want that to happen, but we haven't really managed to find a fix that people 
are happy about. Most of the discussion is in:
I don't think I have much to contribute, but I just want to give you a 
heads-up about it in case you haven't noticed.

I'd love to see you back in the community!



--- End Message ---

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