Dear PAUSE admins,

I am trying to adopt HTML::TableContentParser. I have been through Neil Bowers' 
procedure, and actually located the author on LinkedIn via an intermediary. He 
said that he no longer maintained the module, but was silent on the issue of 
adoption. On the basis of that I wrote you a letter on October 25 2017 
(appended) asking for co-maintainership.

Well, I just this morning received a "go ahead" from him, again via the 
intermediary, so I would like to renew my request for co-maintainership. I know 
how many distractions there are this time of year, and as you can tell from the 
time line I am in no rush.


Thank you very much for your attention, and for all the time you devote to Perl.

Tom Wyant

> On October 26, 2017 at 11:08 AM "Thomas (HFM) Wyant" <> 
> wrote:
>     Dear PAUSE admins,
>     I find HTML::TableContentParser 
> useful for web-scraping 
> ad-hocery. It has not tested successfully since Perl 5.10.0 came out, but the 
> fix is trivial, and the problem is with the test, not the module itself. I 
> filed RT #32010 way back 
> when, but more recently I thought perhaps I could adopt the module. So last 
> July I forked it on GitHub 
> , applied the patches 
> of interest to me, and updated the RT ticket to reflect my willingness to do 
> a release. I followed up with a letter to the author, without response.
>     I then tried to find the author via Google, and found a reasonable 
> candidate on LinkedIn . I have no 
> LinkedIn account, so on September 17 2017 I asked an intermediary to make the 
> contact for me. The response said that the "reasonable candidate" was in fact 
> the author of the subject module, and that he no longer maintained it. The 
> response was silent on willingness to grant co-maintainer status. On 
> September 26 my intermediary asked him to contact me at my PAUSE address 
> (wyant at cpan dot org). Since then neither of us has heard anything.
>     I acknowledge that this is almost the most difficult case -- the author 
> has been located and expressed the intent not to maintain the module, but has 
> not expressed willingness to grant co-maintainership. Or unwillingness, or 
> anything else. Can you recommend any further steps I should take? Or are you 
> willing to grant co-maintainer status to PAUSE ID WYANT based on what I have 
> already done? Or should I do something else entirely? I am willing to fork 
> and re-issue under a different name, but that seems to me a 
> less-than-desirable solution.
>     With thanks,
>     Tom Wyant (PAUSE ID WYANT)

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