Hi Tim

The Mojolicious pre-reqs (copied from its Makefile) are minimal:
  PREREQ_PM => {
    'IO::Socket::IP' => '0.37',
    'JSON::PP'       => '2.27103',
    'Pod::Simple'    => '3.09',
    'Time::Local'    => '1.2'

Of course Mojo::DOM works best with well-constructed HTML/CSS, but despite that I do urge you to consider it.

On 21/12/17 05:52, Thomas (HFM) Wyant wrote:

On December 19, 2017 at 4:18 PM Ron Savage <r...@savage.net.au> wrote:

Hi Tom

Added WYANT to co-maintainers of HTML::TableContentParser.

Thank you very much for the early Christmas present.

BTW: Are you aware of Mojo::DOM?

Actually, I was not. Thank you for the recommendation. My personal preference (or should 
I say bias?) is not to install all of Mojolicious just to get one corner of its 
functionality, but it is definitely something for "SEE ALSO" at the very least.

Tom Wyant

Ron Savage - savage.net.au

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