Hi Olaf,

> I’ve tried to contact GISLE via email to request co-maint on March 23, 2018
> and also via RT: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=124382  on 
> Feb 9, 2018.  I
> have not gotten any response.
> We’ve already moved most of his web-related modules to the libwww-perl Github
> org.  This one feels like a natural fit to move to the org as well,
> especially since WWW::Mechanize makes heavy use of it.
> So, I’m asking for co-maint for OALDERS and ETHER on the modules listed at
> https://metacpan.org/permission/distribution/HTML-Form

I’ve previously tried contacting Gisle on his personal email address, without 
any response, but give me time to try again on these please.


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