Just clean it up to all be PHRED.

I'm fairly sure I wrote most of the code (that's where 'prefetch' first
appeared ;) which sort of gives me moral authority to say that, and PHRED
is more likely to ever release it again than I am.

If I ever release an ORM again presumably it'll be my third attempt and I'll
regret my life choices shortly thereafter.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 01:19:16PM +0100, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Sebastian, Fred, and Matt,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared 
> first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it 
> maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who 
> releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly added 
> modules).
> You each have the first-come permission on one of the modules in the 
> Class-DBI-Sweet distribution, and there’s a large number of co-maints, again 
> not the same on each module.
> SRI did the first release, then MSTROUT did some, then MRAMBERG, and most 
> recently PHRED.
> It hasn’t had any releases in the last 9 years, so maybe none of you are that 
> interested in maintaining it, but I’d like to resolve the ownership, and I’ll 
> also reindex your last release PHRED (it looks like at some point you didn’t 
> have co-maint on Class::DBI::Sweet::Topping, and so the entry for that module 
> in the index refers to an older release).
> The two obvious candidates to have all first-comes are SRI, because he did 
> the original release and still has first-come on the lead module, or PHRED, 
> because he did the most recent 3 releases. Another option is to give it to 
> ADOPTME, if none of you are interested? :-)
> As a default, I suggest PHRED, just so the ownership matches the name on the 
> most recent release, so if someone does want to adopt it, the person they’re 
> most likely to contact can give them co-maint.
> Cheers,
> Neil

Matt S Trout - Shadowcat Systems - Perl consulting with a commit bit and a clue

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