Hi Paul, TL;DR: when you release "meta" you’ll be granted first-come
I saw that you’re going to be releasing "meta" soon, and that there was an impending permissions conflict, as Mark Veltzer had the only indexing permission on "Meta". His Meta distribution hasn’t been released since 2002, and didn’t actually contain a Meta package. A few years back a restriction was introduced to PAUSE which says that when you release a distribution Foobar, you must have an indexing permission on the package Foobar. Usually this is achieved by including a module of the same name, and most people aren’t even aware of the restriction. There were some historical packages which broke this rule, and they were retrospectively supported by manually adding the required indexing permissions. With Mark’s blessing, I have just dropped the indexing permission on Meta, so when you do a non-developer release of "meta" you’ll get the first-come indexing permission. Neil