Hey Brad, Thanks for Memcached. Some people are still using it!
There's some love that we'd like to apply to the Cache::Memcached module, and you are still the primary maintainer in CPAN. I'm willing to take over primary maintainership, but co-maintainer would be fine too. Either way, that needs some action from you. 1. Easy way: you probably haven't interacted with PAUSE in forever, and don't want to go through all that. If you email modules@perl.org (CC-ed) and tell them that you'd like to transfer permissions to BRIANDFOY, the admins can take care of it for you. 2. Harder way: log in to pause.perl.org, then go to https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?ACTION=move_dist_primary . From there, transfer Cache::Memcached to BRIANDFOY Thanks for everything you've done, and I hope to keep some of it alive.