I just check my python installation,found the directory is "C:
\Documents and Settings\All Users\...\Python 2.6",so I chose All
And I always using a Administrator privilege account(a windows user's
usual habbit...).

So I had better turn back to python 2.5...:(

On Apr 15, 7:21 pm, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>
> Hmmm, I tell a lie. SInce Python 2.6.2 only just got released, the
> Apache module must have been compiled against Python 2.6.1. Can't be
> bothered starting up Windows at the moment to check.
> Anyway, would suggest your problem is therefore likely to be due to
> Python not being installed so as to be available to all users. So,
> reinstall it as user with Administrator rights and install it for all
> users when prompted.
> Graham
> 2009/4/15 Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>:
> > 2009/4/15 chunlin <zhangchun...@gmail.com>:
> >> Apache Version :Apache/2.2.6 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.6 OpenSSL/
> >> 0.9.8e mod_autoindex_color mod_auth_sspi/1.0.4 SVN/1.4.3 mod_wsgi/2.4
> >> Python/2.6.1 PHP/5.2.4
> >> the mod_wsgi I am using is this one:
> >>http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/downloads/detail?name=mod_wsgi-win32...
> >> I have add these code to moin.wsgi but still same err
> >> "
> >> sys.path.insert(0, r'D:\Python26\Lib\site-packages')
> >> sys.path.insert(0, r'D:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin')
> >> sys.path.insert(0, r'D:\Python26\DLLs')
> >> "
> >> err message:
> >> [error] mod_wsgi (pid=3056): Target WSGI script 'E:/Moin/moin/
> >> moin.wsgi' cannot be loaded as Python module.
> >> [error] mod_wsgi (pid=3056): Exception occurred processing WSGI script
> >> 'E:/Moin/moin/moin.wsgi'.
> >> [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
> >> [error]   File "E:/Moin/moin/moin.wsgi", line 52, in <module>
> >> [error]     from MoinMoin.server.server_wsgi import WsgiConfig,
> >> moinmoinApp
> >> [error]   File "D:\\Python26\\Lib\\site-packages\\MoinMoin\\server\
> >> \__init__.py", line 14, in <module>
> >> [error]     from MoinMoin import log
> >> [error]   File "D:\\Python26\\Lib\\site-packages\\MoinMoin\\log.py",
> >> line 92, in <module>
> >> [error]     import logging.config
> >> [error]   File "D:\\Python26\\lib\\logging\\config.py", line 30, in
> >> <module>
> >> [error]     import sys, logging, logging.handlers, string, socket,
> >> struct, os, traceback, types
> >> [error]   File "D:\\Python26\\lib\\logging\\handlers.py", line 30, in
> >> <module>
> >> [error]     import logging, socket, types, os, string, cPickle,
> >> struct, time, re
> >> [error]   File "D:\\Python26\\lib\\socket.py", line 46, in <module>
> >> [error]     import _socket
> >> [error] ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not
> >> be found.
> > This problem has been solved before by reinstalling Python, but using
> > Python 2.6.2.
> > When you install it, it must be installed from an account with
> > Administrator privilege and you must select that it be installed for
> > all users.
> > Not sure yet whether it relates to fact that mod_wsgi precompiled
> > module was built against Python 2.6.2, or that it is because of your
> > existing Python installation not being installed as an account with
> > Administrator privilege and/or not selecting that it be installed for
> > all users.
> > Would be nice if someone can indicate whether they are successfully
> > using this precompiled mod_wsgi with Python 2.6.1 rather than newer
> > Python 2.6.2.
> > If you can say whether you installed your Python from an account with
> > Administrator privilege and whether you selected install for all
> > users, would also be useful.
> > The reason that Python must be installed for all users is that Apache
> > service runs as special user normally and not as you.
> > Graham
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