I'll have a dig through Apache and see what I can work out, but have you ever 
looked at New Relic? It provides this sort of information in an easily 
digestible UI. It provides a free Lite tier which although it doesn't provide 
all features of the product, still provides a lot of useful stuff.

Check out the New Relic site:


but also:


Disclaimer: I work for New Relic and wrote the Python agent.


On 25/09/2013, at 1:13 PM, Laurence Rowe <laurencer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm seeing a problem with mod_headers and mod_wsgi where it seems that 
> mod_headers does not see the response headers generated by mod_wsgi. (Looks 
> like a duplicate of 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7172630/headers-added-in-mod-wsgi-not-properly-recognized-by-apache
>  but thought I'd post here in case anyone knew of a resolution.)
> My use case: I have a Pyramid app which records various timings which it then 
> sets as the X-Stats response header. I then want to insert the Apache request 
> time into that header using ``Header edit``, but it appears that Apache does 
> not see the Python originated X-Stats header and leaves the X-Stats header 
> unedited. To confirm this when I use ``Header append X-Stats "%D"`` I see a 
> second X-Stats response header line with the duration value rather than a 
> single header with the new value appended with a separating comma.
> Versions: self-compiled mod_wsgi 3.4 running under Apache 2.2.15 on CentOS.
> Config:
> WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi
> WSGIDaemonProcess encoded user=encoded group=encoded processes=8 threads=1
> WSGIImportScript /.../wsgi process-group=encoded application-group=%{GLOBAL}
> WSGIScriptAlias / /.../wsgi
> <Directory /...>
>     WSGIProcessGroup encoded
>     WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
>     WSGIPassAuthorization On
>     Header edit X-Stats ^ "%D&"
>     Order deny,allow
>     Allow from all
> </Directory>
> Example response headers with append instead of edit:
> X-Stats: 
> db_count=2&db_time=10138&es_count=1&es_time=14927&queue_begin=1380077896713622&queue_time=2312&wsgi_begin=1380077896715934&wsgi_end=1380077896818668&wsgi_time=102734
> X-Stats: D=105536 
> Thinking this through again while writing the post, I suppose %D is not 
> terribly interesting at header generation time as it can only include the 
> transfer time when logged.
> Laurence
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