Hi there,

I'm trying to figure out where to start figuring out what this issue is. I 
can see from the error logs the following every ten minutes:

[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8415): Process 
'localhost:8080' has died, deregister and restart it.
[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8415): Process 
'localhost:8080' terminated by signal 9
[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8415): Process 
'localhost:8080' has been deregistered and will no longer be monitored.
[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8479): Starting process 
'localhost:8080' with uid=48, gid=48 and threads=5.
[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8479): Python home 
[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8479): Initializing Python.
[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8479): Attach interpreter 
[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8479): Imported 'mod_wsgi'.
[Mon Sep 12 18:47:20 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8479, 
process='localhost:8080', application=''): Loading WSGI script 
[Mon Sep 12 18:48:00 2016] [error] 
SAWarning: Unicode type received non-unicode bind param value.
[Mon Sep 12 18:48:00 2016] [error]   processors[key](compiled_params[key])
[Mon Sep 12 18:57:43 2016] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=8395): Process 
'localhost:8080' has died, deregister and restart it.

I'm running mod_wsgi-express from an init script with the following command:

source activate;mod_wsgi-express start-server --user apache --group apache 
--port 8080 --socket-timeout 600 --log-level info --processes 4 
--log-directory /var/log/app --access-log --startup-log --rotate-logs 
/opt/sites/app/rest.wsgi > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!;deactivate

Just wondering where I should start to debug this. I'm also wondering 
whether I need to apply something like the WSGIApplicationGroup to be 
GLOBAL or something?

Many thanks as ever.

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