Keep in mind that if you have a WSGI file in at the location:


it is not sufficient that the file
/data/www/wikidataDiscovery/wikidataDiscovery/ be readable. It is
also necessary that all the parent directories down to that location are
readable/accessible to the user that Apache runs as.

So check the permissions on:


as well.

BTW, if you only have one application delegated to a daemon process group,
it is best practice to force the use of the main interpreter context of
that Python interpreter instance.

So add:

WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

This has nothing to do with the problem, but always a good idea as not all
third party Python packages will work in sub interpreters.


On Sun, 3 Mar 2024 at 08:59, Andre Hulet <> wrote:

> I run one of my Django sites on my local machine for testing. I recently
> had to rebuild the machine, and now my site doesn't run (403-you don't have
> permission to access this resource) even though .conf file settings and
> file system permissions appear identical. I have a hello world wsgi app
> that runs fine so long as my Django site is not enabled, in which case the
> Hello World app returns 404. The only thing different in my setup that I
> can think of is that I installed mod wsgi 4.9.0 via apt rather than
> compiling and installing 5.0.
> Ubuntu: 22.04
> Apache: 2.4.52
> wsgi: 4.9.0
> I realize this might be an OS permissions issue relating to the rebuild
> (though I don't see how), but I'm new enough to wsgi to be unsure about my
> conf file. Here it is. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
> ```
> WSGIScriptAlias /discover
> /data/www/wikidataDiscovery/wikidataDiscovery/
> WSGIDaemonProcess wikiframe.local
> python-home=/data/www/wikidataDiscovery/wd_venv/
>  python-path=/data/www/wikidataDiscovery/ processes=1 threads=10
> display-name=%{GROUP}
> WSGIProcessGroup wikiframe.local
> ServerName wikiframe.local
> ServerAdmin
> DocumentRoot /data/www/
> Alias /static /data/www/wd_static
> Alias /downloads /data/www/wikidataDiscovery/downloads
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>   <Location />
>     Require all granted
>   </Location>
>  <Directory /data/www/wd_static>
>     Require all granted
>   </Directory>
>     ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/wikiframe-error.log
>   CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/wikiframe-access.log combined
>   <Directory /data/www>
>     Options FollowSymLinks IncludesNOEXEC
>     AllowOverride All
>     Require all granted
>   </Directory>
>   <Directory /data/www/wikidataDiscovery>
>     AllowOverride All
>     Require all granted
>   </Directory>
>     <Directory /data/www/wikidataDiscovery/wikidataDiscovery>
>     <Files>
>       Require all granted
>     </Files>
>   </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> ```
> --
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