MoinMoin :)

MoinMoin project has filed an application as mentoring organisation for
GSOC 2014.

Until February, 14th, we need to complete the application with the count
of mentors we have.

As you see on the wiki page, we currently have only 3 mentors (2 of them
also org admin / backup admin).

The amount of student project grants we get from google depends on many
factors (in the past, these were usually 3 .. 6 student projects per
summer), but one is of course mentoring capacity.

The amount of student projects we can (and would) take depends primarily
on availability of primary mentors.

For quality mentoring, there usually should be 1 mentor per student.
In some cases 1 mentor for 2 students can also work (e.g. if mentor has
more time, students are predicted to need not that much mentoring, the 2
projects are somehow similar, etc.).

So, if you have good experience with some of the following things, think
about whether you could help with mentoring a student (as primary
mentor) or hanging out with us on #moin-dev as a helper - helping now
and then on some topics (but not being a primary mentor for a student).

* moin2 codebase (if you have long term moin 1.x coding experience, that
might also work, if you can take up the differences quickly)
* python
* javascript / jquery
* css / bootstrap
* html5
* mercurial / bitbucket
* testing / py.test
(and maybe other stuff I just forgot right now :)

If this sounds interesting and you like to help the project and student
developers who are maybe new to the project, add your name to the
mentors list on the wikipage linked above.

We usually do mentoring on IRC collaboratively - whoever is online and
can answer a question will just do so (no matter whether he is primary
mentor for that student or not).

You of course should have some time to spend on mentoring, so you should
not be super-busy with lots of other stuff. Students are expected to
work full-time on their project, a mentor is expected to have at least
some hours per week free to spend for mentoring.

In case it matters: MoinMoin organisation usually gets 500 USD per
student mentored and the mentor decides what happens with that money
(usual options are "pay mentor invoice" or "donate to project").

Also, after a successful GSOC, google usually invites 2 mentors per org
to their headquarters in mountain view to the GSOC mentor summit (travel
costs and 2 hotel nights paid by Google). If we have more than 2 mentors
willing and able to go there, we'll roll a dice. :D



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