Hi Jan,

My case is as follows: we have a number of partners application must 
communicate with. Every partner is basically a separate package with a number 
of common methods (download, import, search, book, etc). Right now I’m 
implementing download method (to run via "app partner download <partner_id>" 
command) for a number of partners. It basically gets data from partner (FTP or 
SOAP or other kind of XML/JSON/custom format web service) and saves in database 
so it needs app->db handler and a number of config parameters from app->config. 

Your example is about something different. You don’t tell model where and how 
it must search data you want. You simply provide input parameter (but not 
app->db) and obviously 2nd option doesn’t make sense.


> On Apr 20, 2015, at 12:50 PM, Jan Henning Thorsen <jan.henn...@thorsen.pm> 
> wrote:
> "Many people" != "Mojolicious people". This is a very generic problem, where 
> a higher level object pass itself to a lower level object. What I mean is 
> that you build stuff from small components built on top of each other, and 
> then you have this high level object on top which "orchestrate" the objects, 
> passing on just enough information to make each of them work.
> I will try to come up with a new example. Which of these two lines of code 
> makes most sense to you?
>   $user = $c->model->users->find({id => $c->param("user_id")});
>   $user = $c->model->users->find($c);
> Btw... I'm drifting. Your original question is very specific and not 
> explaining why you want to pass $app to the model. Can you try to explain why 
> you need to pass on $app to the model? Do you have an example usecase/piece 
> of code where that makes most sense?
> On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 11:10:20 AM UTC+2, Eugene Toropov wrote:
> Right, well, I hope Sebastian will have a moment to reply at some point if it 
> comes up so often and so many people were "in the same state of mind" :) Or 
> he did already? If so - would be great if someone could provide a link. Thank 
> you.
> Cheers
> Eugene
>> On Apr 20, 2015, at 11:49 AM, Jan Henning Thorsen <jan.henn...@thorsen.pm 
>> <mailto:jan.henn...@thorsen.pm>> wrote:
>> It's so funny how this questions comes up over and over again. I even have 
>> to battle it myself from time to time, even when I know how stupid (Sorry 
>> for using "stupid", but I think I'm allowed as it reflects back on myself), 
>> limiting, hard to get around later, ... it would be to pass some $app-like 
>> object around to lower level models.
>> Also, I probably know how your mind is set on your statement, and how you 
>> probably just want to get confirmation instead of the answer I'm giving you. 
>> Yes... Me and many before you have been in the same state of mind.
>> So... I was hoping I could help you with my Mojo::Pg->new() example above, 
>> but it seems like I have failed.
>> I wish you the best of luck finding the right solution.
>> I also apologize if I'm stepping on yours or anyone else's toes. That is not 
>> my intention.
>> On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 10:31:45 AM UTC+2, Eugene Toropov wrote:
>> Hi Jan,
>> Having to pass "db => shift->model->db” in every model helper doesn’t seem 
>> like invisible way ;) It would be really invisible if you had “use DB” 
>> inside a model package and then “my $db = $DB::dbh” :) but then you’d have 
>> to somehow pass app->config to DB. Also if you kept something in app->config 
>> that model needs - would you pass it as another parameter to every model you 
>> had? What if then you had app->cache (redis/memcached) ? Another parameter 
>> to pass to every model again? I feel it doesn’t seem good but can’t find any 
>> other way in Mojo to do it so thought someone had found the solution...
>> Cheers
>> Eugene
>>> On Apr 20, 2015, at 11:18 AM, Jan Henning Thorsen <jan.henn...@thorsen.pm 
>>> <mailto:jan.henn...@thorsen.pm>> wrote:
>>> I pass on $db to every instance of a model in MCT: 
>>> https://github.com/mojoconf/MCT/blob/master/lib/MCT.pm#L33 
>>> <https://github.com/mojoconf/MCT/blob/master/lib/MCT.pm#L33>
>>> Just make a helper where the passing of $db (or any other common argument) 
>>> is "invisible".
>>> The nice thing is that the model will need to know less. It will then be 
>>> easier to use for "other things" outside of your Mojo app. To flip the 
>>> question around. Which version ofof the code below makes most sense?
>>>   my $app = Mojolicious->new;
>>>   $db = Mojo::Pg->new(app => $app);
>>>   $db = Mojo::Pg->new(app => $app->config->{db}{dsn});
>>> (I hope the version where $app is passed to new() looks weird...)
>>> On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 9:17:27 AM UTC+2, Eugene Toropov wrote:
>>> Hi Jan,
>>> Thanks for your reply. Don’t you think that passing app->db to every model 
>>> is not a good idea neither because model must know itself where data are 
>>> and how to fetch it and pass to controller? Also it’s simply inconvenient 
>>> to always have one (or even 2 - app->db and app->redis for example) 
>>> arguments passed to every model, no?
>>> Cheers
>>> Eugene
>>> On 20 Apr 2015, at 10:07, Jan Henning Thorsen <jan.henn...@thorsen.pm 
>>> <mailto:jan.henn...@thorsen.pm>> wrote:
>>>> You don't. Passing $app or $c to a model is not a good idea. Reason for 
>>>> this is that it makes it hard to reuse the models elsewhere. What you can 
>>>> do, is passing data from $app when you construct your models, but I would 
>>>> strongly advice against passing $app.
>>>> On Friday, April 17, 2015 at 4:38:06 PM UTC+2, Eugene Toropov wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> In the following example how will you make MyApp::Model::Users have access 
>>>> to app object (which is basically $self) that is necessary to use app->db 
>>>> and app->config?
>>>> http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Growing#WELL-STRUCTURED-APPLICATION
>>>> <http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Growing#WELL-STRUCTURED-APPLICATION>
>>>> package MyApp;
>>>> use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
>>>> use MyApp::Model::Users;
>>>> sub startup {
>>>>   my $self = shift;
>>>>   $self->secrets(['Mojolicious rocks']);
>>>>   $self->helper(users => sub { state $users = MyApp::Model::Users->new });
>>>>   my $r = $self->routes;
>>>>   $r->any('/' => sub {
>>>>     my $c = shift;
>>>>     my $user = $c->param('user') || '';
>>>>     my $pass = $c->param('pass') || '';
>>>>     return $c->render unless $c->users->check($user, $pass);
>>>>     $c->session(user => $user);
>>>>     $c->flash(message => 'Thanks for logging in.');
>>>>     $c->redirect_to('protected');
>>>>   } => 'index');
>>>>   my $logged_in = $r->under(sub {
>>>>     my $c = shift;
>>>>     return 1 if $c->session('user');
>>>>     $c->redirect_to('index');
>>>>     return undef;
>>>>   });
>>>>   $logged_in->get('/protected');
>>>>   $r->get('/logout' => sub {
>>>>     my $c = shift;
>>>>     $c->session(expires => 1);
>>>>     $c->redirect_to('index');
>>>>   });
>>>> }
>>>> 1;
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Eugene
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