While developing, you can see which templates are rendered on screen, with 

$ morbo script/yourapp.pl
$ MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=debug perl script/yourapp.pl daemon

You will then see something like this in the log:

[Wed Jun  3 10:39:22 2015] [debug] Rendering template "index.html.ep"
[Wed Jun  3 10:39:22 2015] [debug] Rendering template "partials/nav.html.ep"
[Wed Jun  3 10:39:22 2015] [debug] Rendering template 
[Wed Jun  3 10:39:22 2015] [debug] GET "/"

Note that if nothing appears to STDERR, then it's probably because you have 
"./log" directory.

On Monday, May 18, 2015 at 11:45:42 AM UTC+2, Juergen Nickelsen wrote:
> On 14.05.2015 04:11, Justin Hawkins wrote: 
> >> for a while I have been trying to get at the name of the template that 
> >> is just being rendered, to use it in the layout. 
> > 
> > I can’t answer your question directly, but this requirement sounds like 
> > a bit of a code smell. What are you trying to accomplish? 
> Oh, I understand your suspicion. What I want to have is just an 
> informational comment in the rendered page that says which template has 
> rendered that page, like this: 
> <!-- template v_m_s/domains.html.ep --> 
> As I said, I am a novice with Mojolicious and "serious" web 
> applications, plus my application is (at this stage of development) 
> akind of twisty little maze of pages, of which some are, while not 
> actually redundant, relatively similar. At some point I was actually 
> wondering which template had rendered the page I was looking at, hence 
> that idea. 
> I could easily put that line by hand into each template to achieve the 
> same effent (or even devise a scheme to have that done automatically), 
> but as Mojolicious is great at avoiding boilerplate, I thought it should 
> be able to come up with a generic solution. 
> It is certainly not something that will be needed for production code. 
> Regards, Juergen. 
> -- 
> <juergen.nickel...@fu-berlin.de> Tel +49.30.838-50740 Fax -450740 
> Zentraleinrichtung fuer Datenverarbeitung, Central Systems (Unix) 
> Freie Universitaet Berlin, Fabeckstrasse 32, 14195 Berlin, DE 

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