We are getting too many false alarms, especially from services
with excluded times. The clock on the mon-server is definitely
okay. Below I have two configuration examples for services
where we still get alarms at 5:00am resp. 6:00am (the checked
services are restarted at those times). Have we got the
configuration wrong? (How to correctly debug?)

    service squid
     description xxx proxy
        depend xxx-proxy:ping
        interval 2m
        monitor tcp.monitor -p 3128
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
#       exclude_period hr {4:55am-5:10am}
        exclude_period hr {4am-6am}
            alertafter 2
            alertevery 12h
            alert mail.alert monwatch
            upalert mail.alert -u monwatch

    service xxxping
     description xxx ping
        depend xyz-xxx:ping
        interval 10m
        monitor fping.monitor -r 3 -t 6000 server ;;
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
        exclude_period hr {5am-7am}
            alertafter 2
            alertevery 12h
            alert mail.alert monwatch
            upalert mail.alert -u monwatch

Best regards
  _              |  Kevin Ivory          |  Tel: +49-551-37000041
 |_     |\ |     |  Service Network GmbH |  Fax: +49-551-3700009
 ._|ER  | \|ET   |  Bahnhofsallee 1b     |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Service Network  |  37081 Goettingen     |    http://www.SerNet.de/

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