On Fri, 31 May 2002, Nate Campi wrote:

> Is there any documentation on the Mon client/server protocol, or should
> I "use the source", as they say?

"use the source", but i just began a protocol writeup and included it
in the "doc" directory for future releases. the purpose and results of
the commands i've not written up yet. here's what i have:



The client/server protocol for mon works like this:

The server listens on TCP port 2583, which has been assigned by IANA.

In the following, a "line" is a sequence of ASCII text, terminated with
a newline (0A in hexadecimal).

A request submitted by the client is a single line.  Only one request
per line is permitted. Any number of requests per session is permitted.
The client indicates the end of requests by sending a "quit" request.

The reply to a request is zero or more lines lines.  The end of the
reply is terminated with a positive or negative acknowledgement line.
The positive acks match this regular expression:

^2[0-9][0-9] .*$

Negative acks match this expression:

^5[0-9][0-9] .*$

Characters trailing the leading integer are a comment which summarizes
the success or failure.

The actual value of the leading integer is not meaningful except to
indicate success (200-299) or failure (500-599).

An example session follows:

(client connects to port 2583)
Client: list state
Server: scheduler running
Server: 220 list state completed
Client: list xyzzy
Server: 520 unknown list command
Client: list watch
Server: group1 service1
Server: group1 service2
Server: group2 service1
Server: 220 list watch completed
Client: quit
Server: 220 quitting
(server and client terminate tcp session)

The following are the valid requests and replies implemented in
mon-0.99.2, as defined in the "client_command" routine. A command is
indicated by the word itself, required arguments are surrounded by {},
and optional arguments are surrounded by [].



login {user} {pass}

reset [stopped] [keepstate]

reload [auth]

clear timers {group} {service}

test monitor {group} {service}

test alert {group} {service} {retval} {period}

test startupalert {group} {service} {retval} {period}

test upalert {group} {service} {retval} {period}

test config


loadstate disabled

savestate disabled

savestate opstatus




set maxkeep {num}

set {group} {service} {variable} {value}

get maxkeep

get {group} {service} {variable}

list descriptions

list group {group}

list opstatus

list opstatus {group,service} [group,service ...]

list disabled

list alerthist

list failures

list failurehist

list successes

list warnings

list pids

list watch

list state

list aliases

list aliasgroups

list deps

list dtlog

ack {group} {service} {comment}

disable watch {group}

disable service {group} {service}

disable host {host [host ...]}

enable watch {group}

enable service {group} {service}

enable host {host [host ...]}


checkauth {cmd}

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