--On Monday, September 09, 2002 8:05 AM +0200 Philippe Trolliet 

> hello,
> i installed mon and configured it. when i test it (shut a daemon down),
> mon.cgi says that the service is down and that mail will be sent. but on
> the account i don´t receive any mail.
># /etc/mon.cf
> hostgroup test
> watch test
>     service ping
>         description ping mailserver
>         interval 5m
>         monitor fping.monitor
>         period wd {Mon-Sun} hr {0am-11pm}
>             alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             alertevery 5m
> something wrong with the configuration?
> any idea?

You've got a couple things which are slightly strange, but they shouldn't 
cause any problems.  I suspect the actual problem is that your alert script 
either doesn't exist or isn't executable.

The strange things are:
The second half of your period statement is unnecessary.  If you want an 
'allways' period, any single range that covers everything will work, so 
either 'wd {Mon-Sun}' or 'hr {12am-11pm}'.  But both shouldn't be a 
problem.  (Though Time::Period doesn't claim to support "0am", but (testing 
it) it looks like it works)

Also, on a test whose interval is 5 minutes, an alertevery of 5 minutes is 
pointless.  (Mon only alerts after events.  If your interval was 1 hour, 
you'd never get an alert more often then once an hour.)  But again, that 
shouldn't cause any problems.

Have you looked at syslog, to see if anything is getting reported.  If 
there is nothing there you might want to enable more syslog logging, 
'daemon.info' will get you lots of stuff from mon. (assuming you haven't 
set the syslog facility to something other then daemon in your mon.cfg)

-David Nolan
 Network Software Developer
 Computing Services
 Carnegie Mellon University

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