--On Tuesday, October 01, 2002 7:01 PM +0200 zorro700 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>     Hi, i´m new in the use of mon. i installed the latest version of mon
> with the rpm of mandrake and all works OK, but when i try to use the
> mon.cgi to see the monshow in the web browser it say me "forbiden".... i
> only use en the adress bar "http://localmachine/mon.cgi"; is that right?
> have i to set something? when i use monshow --full --showall it works ok.
> Thank you for your colaboration..                  Angel.

It sounds like your problem is a web server configuration issue.  Do you 
have CGI script execution allowed in your httpd.conf?  Check your web 
server log files for more information about why its giving you a forbidden 

-David Nolan
 Network Software Developer
 Computing Services
 Carnegie Mellon University

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