
We're a small company. Only running a normal daytime workweek shift, with
people on-call after hours and during weekends.

We're dependant on quite a few external services working - among other
things a few SMS gateways located at external telecom companies. From time
to time, these external things are down for scheduled maintenance in the
middle of the night.

Any way we could "schedule downtime" in mon, so that on-call people aren't
woken up by meeping mobile phones over known outages? Hm, apart from doing
disable_host and enable_host from homegrown perl scripts in crond/atd,
that is... that could work.

What do people out there do? *curious*

Erik I. Bolsų, Triangel Maritech Software AS | Skybert AS
Tlf: 712 41 694         Mobil: 915 79 512

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