
Thanks for those who have assisted on this (Ralph & Mark have assisted

For what it's worth as information back into the group (in case fellow
newbie's do a search for Citrix)

Citrix servers expect tcp connections on port 1494 from ICA clients. I
modified and renamed Jim T's telnet.monitor lines to read 

$PORT           = $opt_p || 1494;
$LOGIN  = $opt_l || "/CA/I";

And this confirms that the Citrix server is accepting ICA requests.

The second component is the Master Browser Service (which announces the
available published applications on the farm)

I have found a script (see below) that actually enumerates the published
apps from a particular master browser (which would be perfect). The error
message is always "not responding" if the browser is down. 

But as I have no Perl ability whatsoever, I am struggling a bit to use it
through mon. I would like to incorporate the script into my Can
anyone tell me what I should change the output for the OK and NOT-OK strings
so that mon will understand.



*********************Citrix Perl Script ******************************
This tool should be used to enumerate Citrix published applications.

use Socket;

$SIG{ALRM}=sub { $connection=0; close(CON); };
   "\x20\x00\x01\x30\x02\xFD\xA8\xE3" .
   "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" .
   "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" .

   "\x2a\x00\x01\x32\x02\xfd" .
   "\xa8\xe3\x00\x00\x00\x00" .
   "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" .
   "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . 
   "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x21\x00" .
   "\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" .


print "\nCitrix Published Application Scanner version 2.0\
By Ian Vitek, ian.vitek\\n";

die "\nUsage: $0 {IP | file | - | random } [timeout]\
\tIP\tIP to test\
\tfile\tRead IPs from file\
\t-\tRead IPs from standard input\
\trandom\tRead IPs from /dev/urandom\
\n" if(!$ARGV[0]);

$timeout=1 if(!$timeout);
if($input eq "-" || -r $input) {
  open(INPUTFD,"$input") or die "Cant open file $input: $!\n";
} elsif ($input eq "random") {
  open(RANDOM,"/dev/urandom") or die "Cant open /dev/urandom: $!\n";
} else {

while($loop==1) {
  undef $target;
  if($newHost==2) {
    $target=<INPUTFD> or exit;
    chomp $target;
    redo if(!$target);
  } elsif ($newHost==1) {
  } elsif ($newHost==3) {
    undef @ch;
    while($i<4) {
      while($ch[$i] < 1 || $ch[$i] > 254) {
         $ch[$i]=ord getc(RANDOM);
  } else {
    die "Nothing to do? Check input!\n\n";

  # Get Master Browser
  $server=inet_aton($target) or die "Is \"${target}\" a target?\n\n";
  while($retry++<2 and $connection==0) {
    socket(CON, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp'));
    send(CON, $trick_master, 0, sockaddr_in(1604, $server));
    alarm $timeout;
    alarm 0;
  if($connection==0) {
    print "$target not responding\n";
  undef $master_raw;
  undef $master;
  if($master_raw) {
    $master=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",ord substr($master_raw,0,1),ord
substr($master_raw,1,1),ord substr($master_raw,2,1),ord
  } else {
  print "$target|$master";
  if($target eq $master) {
    print "|1|";
  } else {
    print "|0|";

  # Enumerate PA
  while($retry++<2 and $connection==0) {
    socket(CON, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp'));
    send(CON, $get_pa, 0, sockaddr_in(1604, $server));
    alarm $timeout;
    undef $data;
    alarm 0;
  if($connection==0) {
    print "Connection lost\n";
  undef $pa;
  chop $pa;
  print "$pa";
  # More packets?
  $last_packet=ord substr($data,30,1);
  while($last_packet==0) {
    alarm $timeout*2;
    undef $data;
    alarm 0;
    if($connection==0) {
      print ",ERROR";
    undef $pa;
    chop $pa;
    print "$pa";
    $last_packet=ord substr($data,30,1);
  print "\n";

This electronic message transmission contains information that is deemed
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