Ok, I figured it out.  After working with it all day yesterday, I finally
get it 5 minutes after sending a message to the list....

The time on the server was behind by an hour.  So the cookie it was sending
me was expiring immediately.  I fixed the time and it works perfectly now.

Oddly enough, even though I set IE to prompt me for all cookies, it still
doesn't tell me about this one.  Presumably, it is still accepting session
cookies without prompting.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bowie Bailey 
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 10:00 AM
Subject: mon.cgi problem

I am having a strange problem and I am hoping that someone here can help me

Mon.cgi does not appear to be sending me any cookies.

I am running the latest of everything:
Perl 5.8.0
Apache 2.0.43
Mod_Perl 1.99_07
Mon 0.99.2
Mon.cgi 1.52

I had this problem previously and just upgraded everything to attempt to
solve it with no results.  My browser is set to accept all cookies and does
accept cookies from other sites.  I have tried using other computers with
the same results.  Everything works fine.  I can log in and make changes
using mon.cgi, but without the cookie, I have to constantly retype my
username and password.  Apache is just a base install with mod_perl added
and mon.cgi dropped in the cgi-bin directory.

Can anyone help?

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