For those of you who will be attending the USENIX LISA '02 event in
Philadelphia, PA this year, we will be holding a Birds of a Feather
session with the topic "Network Monitoring with Mon":

    Wednesday, November 6th
    7:00pm - 8:00pm
    Salon C, Level Five

The BoF will be hosted by Andrew Ryan, Jon Meek, and myself. At the
moment there is not a strict agenda, but I anticipate that we'll have
some very general topics to be covered, at least to kickstart things.

So, if you will be attending the conference, help us out by bringing
your ideas, questions, or whatever to the BoF, or until then, post them
on the mailing list.

Thanks to Andrew for doing the footwork to get this scheduled with the
event coordinators.

Computer System and Network Engineer
Transmeta Corporation
Santa Clara, CA

mon mailing list

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