On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Jim Trocki wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Jerry Cornelius wrote:
> > We are trying to have mon contact us when the server throws a 500 Server
> > Error message.  Has anyone devised a clever solution to this issue?  Try
> > putting "500 server error mon" into google.  :-)
> just change http.monitor to check for that response:
> change this line:
>         if ($TheContent =~ /^HTTP\/([\d\.]+)\s+(200|30[12]|401)\b/) {

i am foolish for replying so hastily. that above expression says that
http.monitor will return success if the response matches 200, 301, 302,
or 401, and failure otherwise. so, for your situation the monitor will
flag 500 as a failure.

is this what you want, or is there some other detail you've omitted?
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