
It seems to me that exclude_period settings in form 
 yr{2002} yd{364} hr{0-6)
does not work at the end of year.

I analyzed the Time::Period source and found the following
strange things:

First:  acceptable year day numbers are 1..365  - but what
about years with 366 days? Of course, there is a workaround
to use "mo{dec) md{31)" instead.

Second (and the worst): in sub getTimeVars of Time::Period
  # Calculate the full year (yyyy).
  $yr = int($time / 31536000) + 1970;
which (IMHO) is wrong! because it assumes that every year
since 1970 had 365 days. And this makes Mon::Period to
think that current (right now) year is ... 2003 not 2002. 

Of course - formally this is "Time::Period" question and
not a "mon question", but...


PS. We have a lot of exclude_periods in form "yr{a} yd{b}
hr{c-d}" for scheduled downtimes :(

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