On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello,
> I fecth to monitor LDAP server (Netwarte 6) and i have a question.
> Does it exist LDAP Monitor with this functionalities :
> - authentificate bind
> - response time

Looking at the ldap.monitor supplied with the distribution of mon, it
looks like the answer is no to both of those questions. Both would be easy
to add, Net::LDAP has the hooks for binding non-anonymously and that would
be trivial to add ; and you could use Time::HiRes to perform the timing of
the connection and binds.

> Ideally i would like send a query (bind or search) every second. For the response I 
>would like obtain the status of response and the time's response (performance).

I wouldn't recommend running every second. I haven't actually ever tried
this, but you'd be likely to generate a lot of false alerts running
service tests so frequently.

If you want to save the output from your timings for trending, see Jon
Meek's monitor scripts at http://wanpcap.sf.net, he has done a lot of work
in this area for HTTP and other network services.

Hope this helps.


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