On Sat, 8 Mar 2003, Jonathan B. Bayer wrote:

> At a talk that Jim gave last month, he said that one of the included
> monitors was a traceroute monitor, which would keep track of when a
> route would change.
> I haven't been able to find it, can someone point me in the right
> direction?

jon's traceroute.monitor is included in the distribution (see
mon-0.99.2/mon.d/traceroute.monitor), and i'm attaching to this mail the
one which i wrote. it can recognize load-balanced hops and optionally
not count them as a path divergence, which is sometimes useful.
# trace.monitor
# trace the route to an address, record previous routes,
# compare newest path to last path and report divergences
# while considering load-balanced hops, and log paths
# historically.
# for use with mon
# use "trace.monitor -h" for help
# Jim Trocki
# $Id: trace.monitor 1.3 Fri, 14 Mar 2003 01:30:36 -0500 trockij $
#    Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Jim Trocki
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
use strict;

use Getopt::Std;
use Data::Dumper;

sub traceroute;
sub print_path;
sub load_last;
sub path_to_string;
sub debug;
sub path_to_hash;
sub test;
sub append_log;
sub print_hop;
sub usage;
sub process_hosts;

my %opt;
getopts ('hLs:l:d:t:m:', \%opt);

if ($opt{"h"})

die "must supply host\n" if (@ARGV == 0);

my $TIMEOUT = $opt{"t"} || 30;
my $DEBUG = $opt{"d"} || 0;
my $METHOD = "m";

if ($opt{"m"} ne "" && $opt{"m"} !~ /^[mn]$/)
    die "method must be one of 'n' or 'm'\n";

if ($opt{"m"})
    $METHOD = $opt{"m"};

#my $LOGDIR = "/var/lib/mon/log.d";
#my $STATEDIR = "/var/lib/mon/state.d";
my $LOGDIR = ".";
my $STATEDIR = ".";

if (-d $opt{"l"})
    $LOGDIR = $opt{"l"};

elsif (-d $ENV{"MON_LOGDIR"})

if (-d $opt{"s"})
    $STATEDIR = $opt{"s"};

elsif (-d $ENV{"MON_STATEDIR"})

# do the testing on each host
my ($failures, $failure_detail, $successes, $success_detail) =
        process_hosts (@ARGV);

# all the testing/logging is done,
# now report the successes and failures
my $num_failures = @{$failures};

if ($num_failures)
    print "@{$failures}\n";

    print "\n";

for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$failures}; $i++)
    print "$failures->[$i]\n--------------------\n";
    print "$failure_detail->[$i]\n";
    print "\n";

if ($num_failures)
    print "\n";

for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$successes}; $i++)
    print "$successes->[$i]\n---------------------------\n";
    print "$success_detail->[$i]\n";
    print "\n";

exit $num_failures;

# print path
# if second arg is true, return the string
# instead of printing it
sub print_path
    my ($path, $str) = @_;

    my $string = "";

    for (my $i= 0; $i < @{$path->{"path"}}; $i++)
        my $hop = $path->{"path"}->[$i];
        my @h = ();
        foreach my $list (@{$hop})
            push @h, sprintf ('%-15s %-10s', $list->[0], $list->[1]);

        if ($str)
            $string .= sprintf ("%02d %s\n", $i, "@h");
            printf ("%02d %s\n", $i, "@h");


sub print_hop
    my ($path, $hopnum) = @_;

    my $hop = $path->{"path"}->[$hopnum];
    my @h = ();
    foreach my $list (@{$hop})
        push @h, sprintf ('%-15s %-10s', $list->[0], $list->[1]);

    sprintf ("%02d %s\n", $hopnum, "@h");

sub save_last
    my ($f, $p) = @_;

    if (!open (OUT, ">$f"))
        return "$!";

    if (!$p->{"time"})
        print OUT time . " ";

        print OUT "$p->{time} ";

    print OUT "$p->{to} ";

    print OUT path_to_string ($p), "\n";

    close (OUT);


sub append_log
    my ($f, $p) = @_;

    if (!open (OUT, ">>$f"))
        return "$!";

    if (!$p->{"time"})
        print OUT time . " ";

        print OUT "$p->{time} ";

    print OUT "$p->{to} ";

    print OUT path_to_string ($p), "\n";

    close (OUT);


sub load_last
    my ($f) = @_;

    if (!open (IN, $f))
        return "$!";

    my ($time, $path, $to);

    while (<IN>)
        next if (/^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/);

        next if (!/^\d+\s/);

        ($time, $to, $path) = split (/\s+/, $_);

    close (IN);

    if ($path eq "")
        return ("no path found in file");

    my %p;

    $p{"time"} = $time;
    $p{"to"} = $to;
    $p{"path"} = string_to_path ($path);
    $p{"hpath"} = path_to_hash ($p{"path"});

    ("", { %p });

sub path_to_string
    my ($path) = @_;

    my @formatted_path;

    foreach my $hop (@{$path->{"path"}})
        my @tries = ();

        foreach my $hop_try (@{$hop})
            push @tries, "$hop_try->[0]/$hop_try->[1]";

        push @formatted_path, join (",", @tries);

    join ("-", @formatted_path);

sub string_to_path
    my ($string) = @_;

    my @path;

    foreach my $hop (split (/-/, $string))
        my @tries = ();

        foreach my $try (split (/,/, $hop))
            push @tries, [split (/\//, $try)];

        push @path, [EMAIL PROTECTED];


sub save_path
    my ($file, $path) = @_;


# returns -1 if paths do not diverge,
# or the index into @{$path1} where they do.
sub compare_paths
    my ($path1, $path2, $behavior) = @_;

    # $behavior is one of:
    #   "n"     normal
    #   "m"     mux mode, treat all routes on the same hop as
    #           equals

    my $i = 0;
    my $diverge = -1;

    while ($i < @{$path1->{"path"}} && $diverge == -1)
        debug ("comparing hop $i");

        # path1 is longer than path2
        if ($i >= @{$path2->{"path"}})
            debug ("path1 longer than path2");
            $diverge = $i;

            # MUX method
            # no divergence if at least one of the routers for this
            # hop matches with the last sample. this is an attempt
            # to consider load-balanced hops.
            if ($behavior eq "m")
                debug ("comparing using mux");

                my $found = 0;

                foreach my $ip (keys %{$path1->{"hpath"}->[$i]})
                    if ($path2->{"hpath"}->[$i]->{$ip} > 0)
                        debug ("found matching route at $i");
                        $found = 1;

                if (!$found)
                    debug ("did not find matching router at pos $i");
                    $diverge = $i;

            # DEFAULT method
            # default is to compare all routers for each hop
            # between path samples, and if they differ at all,
            # then consider it a divergence.
                debug ("comparing using default");

                # hop tries differ
                if (@{$path1->{"path"}->[$i]} != @{$path2->{"path"}->[$i]})
                    $diverge = $i;

                    for (my $j = 0; $j < @{$path1->{"path"}->[$i]}; $j++)
                        if ($path1->{"path"}->[$i]->[$j]->[0] ne
                            debug ("found divergence index $j");
                            $diverge = $i;

                            debug ("no divergence index $j");


    if ($diverge != -1 && @{$path1->{"path"}} != @{$path2->{"path"}})
        debug ("path lengths differ");
        return $#{$path1->{"path"}};

    return $diverge;

# traceroute to a host and return a data structure of the hops
# and timings
# returns the list:
# (
#  "error msg, empty string if no error",
#  {
#    "path" =>
#       [
#         [["hop1 try1", ms], ["hop1 try2", ms], ["hop1 try3", ms]],
#         [["hop2 try2", ms], ...],
#         ...
#       ],
#    "hpath" =>
#       [
#         {"ipaddr" => count, ...},
#       ],
#  }
# )
sub traceroute
    my ($host, $timeout, $traceroute_args) = @_;

    my $pid;

    if (!($pid = open (IN, "traceroute -n $traceroute_args $host 2>/dev/null |")))
        return ($!, []);

    my $hop = 0;
    my @hops = ();
    my @hash_hops = ();

    if ($timeout)
        $SIG{"ALRM"} = sub {die "timeout" };

        if ($timeout)
            alarm ($timeout);

        while (<IN>)
            if (!/^\s*\d+/)
                debug ("skipping $_");

            my $line = $_;
            chomp $line;
            $line =~ s/^\s*//;

            debug ($line, 5);

            my @l = split (/\s+/, $line);

            $hop = shift @l;
            my @hoplist = ();
            my %hophash = ();
            my $i = 0;
            my $router = "";

            while ($i < @l)
                if ($l[$i] =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)
                    $router = $l[$i];

                # timeout
                elsif ($l[$i] eq "*")
                    push @hoplist, ["*", 0];

                # a real router reply
                if ($router ne "")
                    if ($l[$i+1] ne "ms")
                        close (IN);
                        return ("expecting ms [$line]", []);

                    my $time = $l[$i];
                    $i += 2;
                    push @hoplist, [$router, $time];

                    # skip over failures
                    if ($l[$i] =~ /^!/)

                    close (IN);
                    return ("don't know [$line]", []);

            push @hops, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
            push @hash_hops, {%hophash};

        if ($timeout)
            alarm (0);

    close (IN);

    if ($@ && $timeout && $@ =~ /timeout/)
        kill 9, $pid;
        push @hops, [["timeout", $timeout]];
        return ("timeout", [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

    my $t = time;
    ("", {
        "path" => [EMAIL PROTECTED],
        "hpath" => [EMAIL PROTECTED],
        "time" => $t,
        "to" => $host,

sub debug
    my ($msg, $level) = @_;

    if ($DEBUG && $level <= $DEBUG)
        print STDERR "$msg\n";

sub path_to_hash
    my $path = shift;

    my @new_path = ();

    for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$path}; $i++)
        my $hop = $path->[$i];

        for (my $j = 0; $j < @{$hop}; $j++)


sub test
    my ($msg, $path1, $path2) = @_;

    $path1->{"hpath"} = path_to_hash ($path1->{"path"});
    $path2->{"hpath"} = path_to_hash ($path2->{"path"});

    print "BEGIN: $msg\n";

    my $r = compare_paths ($path1, $path2, "m");

    if ($r == -1)
        print "END: $msg no divergence\n";

        print "END: $msg divergence at $r\n";

sub usage
    print <<EOF;
usage: trace.monitor -h
trace.monitor [-L] [-s dir] [-l dir] [-d num] [-t args] [-m {m,n}] host [host...]
traceroute to a host, compare the route paths between invocations. for
use with "mon".

    -L          append results to a log file
    -s dir      state dir, overrides MON_STATEDIR
    -l dir      log dir, overrides MON_LOGDIR
    -d num      debug, 1=low 5=high
    -t args     args to be passed to tcpdump
    -m {m,n}    comparison methods, load-balanced or not

logs are named "host-month-year.log"


sub process_hosts
    my (@hosts) = @_;

    my (@failures, @failure_detail, @successes, @success_detail);

    my @loctime = localtime;

    foreach my $host (@hosts)
        my $last_file = "$STATEDIR/$host.lasttrace";
        my $log_file = sprintf ('%s/%s-%s-%s.log', $LOGDIR, $host,
            $loctime[4], 1900 + $loctime[5]);

        my ($err, $p) = traceroute ($host, $TIMEOUT);

        if ($err ne "")
            push @failures, $host;
            push @failure_detail, "$host: $err\n";

        my ($last, $err);

        if (-f $last_file)
            debug ("loading last $last_file");
            ($err, $last) = load_last ($last_file);
            if ($err ne "")
                die "could not load last trace for $host: $err\n";

        $err = save_last ($last_file, $p);
        if ($err ne "")
            die "could not save last trace for $host: $err\n";

        if ($opt{"L"})
            $err = append_log ($log_file, $p);
            if ($err ne "")
                die "could not append to log: $err\n";

        my $diverge = undef;

        if (defined ($last))
            $diverge = compare_paths ($p, $last, $METHOD);

            if ($diverge != -1)
                push @failures, $host;

                my $old_pathstr = "";
                my $new_pathstr = "";

                for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$p->{"path"}}; $i++)
                    my $l_hop = print_hop ($last, $i);
                    my $n_hop = print_hop ($p, $i);

                    my $s = "  ";
                    if ($i == $diverge)
                        $s = "* ";

                    $l_hop = "$s$l_hop";
                    $n_hop = "$s$n_hop";

                    $old_pathstr .= "$l_hop";
                    $new_pathstr .= "$n_hop";

                push @failure_detail, "divergence at hop $diverge\n" .
                    "old: " . print_hop ($last, $diverge) . 
                    "new: " . print_hop ($p, $diverge) . "\n" .
                    "was: " . localtime ($last->{"time"}) . "\n$old_pathstr\n" .
                    "is: "  . localtime ($p->{"time"}) . "\n$new_pathstr\n";

        if ($diverge == -1 || !defined $diverge)
            push @successes, $host;
            push @success_detail, "at " . localtime ($p->{"time"}) . "\n" .
                    print_path ($p, 1) . "\n";


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