We use monshow 100% of the time due to it being the only command-line interface
available.  mon.cgi would require a lot more setup and we will not put it up
simply because it isn't needed.  It also presents one more security concern
for us.

My $0.02

On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 10:59:27AM -0700, Hugh Caley wrote:
> I have switched to mon.cgi since monshow seems to be dead and no one has 
> sent me any troubleshooting questions.  A shame; the monshow interface 
> is a lot less cluttered and more elegant than mon.cgi, IMHO, and I 
> maintain mon from the command line.
> Hugh
> -- 
> Hugh Caley, Unix Systems Administrator
> Affymetrix Inc., 510-428-8537
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