I've a large farm of web servers, i use mon 0.99.3 to monitor the sites hosted on those servers, now i have several sites hosted on each server and from, i intend to use mon dependencies to avoid getting an alert for each site that fails in case the server goes down. I've been looking thru mon docs and example configuration but it doesn't seem possible to make a dependency to just a a service of a single host inside a hostgroup, mon supports the group:service syntax and i'd like to use group:member_host:service, instead (like i tought) of using multiple hostgroups, one for each httpserver.

For clarification :

hostgroup wwwservers server1 server2 server3

watch wwwservers
service http
interval 5m
monitor http.monitor

hostgroup wwwsitesinserver1 site1 site2 site3 (This is what i'd like to use) depend wwwservers:server1:http

monitor http.monitor

I hope that this is clear enough for you to understand.


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