Attached is another monitor that uses ntpdate. There are at least three 
known time monitors for mon.

ntpdate.monitor will produce alarms when the time tolerance is exceeded, the 
stratum number is too high, or the server is not synchronized. It also logs 
results for long term analysis.


On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, Casey Bralla wrote:

> I hacked a monitor for checking time servers.  It's ugly, but it works.  
> Enjoy.
> #!/usr/bin/perl


# ntpdate.monitor Verify that NTP is running and times are within tolerance
# ntpdate will do most of the work for us

=head1 NAME

B<ntpdate.monitor> - ntp monitor using ntpdate to do most of the work


A mon monitor to verify that ntp is running on multiple servers, those
servers have synchronized time, and that the times are within
specified limits.

The mon server should be running ntp since the times are reported
relative to the system performing the query.


B<ntpdate.monitor -d -l log_file_YYYYMM.log --maxstratum nn --maxoffset n.nn>

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 5

=item B<--maxstratum> Maximum stratum number, default is 10. Stratum
16 indicates that ntp is running on a system, but the clock is not
synchronized. An alarm will be triggered if this value is exceeded.

=item B<--maxoffset> Maximum value of the clock offset in seconds,
default is 0.8 s (a large value, ntp typically keeps clocks within
milliseconds of each other).  An alarm will be triggered if this value
is exceeded.

=item B<-l log_file_template> or B<--log log_file_template>

/path/to/logs/internet_web_YYYYMM.log Current year & month are substituted
for YYYYMM, that is the only possible template at this time. The format of the
log file is:

=item B<-d>

Debug/Test, for manual testing only.



 hostgroup ntp

 watch ntp
   service ntpdate
   interval 30m
   monitor ntpdate.monitor --maxoffset 0.1 --log /usr/local/mon/logs/gv-ntp-YYYYMM.log
      period wd {Sun-Sat}
      alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      alertevery 1h summary

=head1 BUGS

The location of ntpdate is hardcoded to be /usr/sbin/ntpdate. This
works for Solaris 8 and RedHat Linux 7.x, at least, but it should be

Check the first line of this file to be sure that it points to an
appropriate perl executable.

=head1 AUTHOR


=head1 SEE ALSO

ntp.monitor by  Daniel Hagerty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


$RCSid = q{$Id: ntpdate.monitor,v 1.2 2003/12/31 17:38:32 meekj Exp $ };

# Jon Meek
# Lawrenceville, NJ
# $Id: ntpdate.monitor,v 1.2 2003/12/31 17:38:32 meekj Exp $
#    Copyright (C) 2002, Jon Meek
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

use Getopt::Long;
           "maxstratum=i" => \$MaxStratum,
           "maxoffset=f" => \$MaxOffset,
#          "dns" => \$UseDNS,
           "d" => \$opt_d,
           "l=s" => \$opt_l,
           "log=s" => \$opt_l,

use Net::DNS;

# Set Defaults
# ntpdate reports stratum 16 if ntp is running, but time is not synchronized
#                 stratum 0 will be reported if ntp is not running
$MaxStratum = 10 unless $MaxStratum;
$MinStratum = 1;
# Trigger alarm if the time is ever off by this much
$MaxOffset  = 0.800 unless $MaxOffset; # Seconds
$NTPDATE = '/usr/sbin/ntpdate';

@Failures = ();
@Hosts = @ARGV; # Host names are left on the command line after Getopt

%NameByIP = &DNSlookups([EMAIL PROTECTED]);

$TimeOfDay = time;       # Current time
print "TimeOfDay: $TimeOfDay\n" if $opt_d;

$cmd = qq{$NTPDATE -q @Hosts |};

$pid = open(NTP, $cmd) || die "Couldn't run $cmd\n";

while ($in = <NTP>) {
  # print $in if $opt_d;
  chomp $in;
  # Pick out server strings
  if ($in =~ 
    $ip = $1;
    $stratum = $2;
    $offset = $3;
    $delay = $4;
    $name = $NameByIP{$ip};
    print "$in $name\n" if $opt_d;
    # Prepare log entries
    if ($opt_l or $opt_d) {
      if (exists $NameByIP{$ip}) {
        $hostnameforlog = $NameByIP{$ip};
      } else {
        $hostnameforlog = $ip;
      $LogString{$ip} = qq{$TimeOfDay $hostnameforlog $stratum $offset $delay};
    # Check alarm limits
    if (($stratum > $MaxStratum) || ($stratum < $MinStratum) || (abs($offset) > 
$MaxOffset)) {
      $FailureDetail{$ip} = $in;
      print "Fail: $ip $stratum $offset $delay  $name\n" if $opt_d;

  # Ignore the final line for now, probably not needed at all
  #  if ($in =~ / adjust time server\s+([\d\.]+)\s+offset\s+([\d\.\-\+]+)\s+/) {
  #    $ip = $1;
  #    $offset = $2;
  #    if (abs($offset) > $MaxOffset) {
  #      $FailureDetail{$ip} = $in;
  #      print "Fail: $ip $offset\n" if $opt_d;
  #    }
  #  }


# Write results to logfile, if -l
if ($opt_l) {

  $LogFile = $opt_l;
  ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $Month, $Year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
  $Month++; $Year += 1900;
  $YYYYMM = sprintf('%04d%02d', $Year, $Month);
  $LogFile =~ s/YYYYMM/$YYYYMM/; # Fill in current year and month

  if (-e $LogFile) {            # Check for existing log file
    $NewLogFile = 0;
  } else {
    $NewLogFile = 1;

  open(LOG, ">>$LogFile") || warn "$0 Can't open logfile: $LogFile\n";

  foreach $ip (sort keys %LogString) {
    print LOG "$LogString{$ip}\n";

  close LOG;

if ($opt_d) {
  foreach $ip (sort keys %LogString) {
    print "LOG: $LogString{$ip}\n";

foreach $ip (sort keys %FailureDetail) {
  push(@FailureIP, $FailureDetail{$ip});
  push(@FailuresIP, $ip);

if (@FailuresIP == 0) {         # Indicate "all OK" to mon
  exit 0;

# Otherwise we have one or more failures
foreach $ip (@FailuresIP) {
  if (exists $NameByIP{$ip}) {
    push(@FailuresName, $NameByIP{$ip});
  } else {
    push(@FailuresName, $ip);

@SortedFailures = sort @FailuresName;

print "@SortedFailures\n";

foreach $ip (sort keys %FailureDetail) {
    print "$NameByIP{$ip} $ip $FailureDetail{$ip}\n";

exit 1; # Indicate failure to mon

# Get the IP addresses for the hosts (because ntpdate returns IP addresses)
sub DNSlookups {
  my ($Hosts) = @_;

  $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @$Hosts; $i++) {
    $target = $Hosts->[$i];
    $query = $res->search($target);

    if ($query) {
      foreach $rr ($query->answer) {
        #print "$target  Type: ", $rr->type, "\n" if $opt_d;
        if ($rr->type eq "A") {
          print $rr->address . ' ' if $opt_d;
          $NameByIP{$rr->address} = $target;
  return %NameByIP;

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