On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 07:58:52AM -0500,
 David Nolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 43 lines which said:

> Are any of your monitor scripts returning particularly large
> summary/detail messages?

We typically have 300 watches, each with two tests.

> In particular, Mon 0.99.2 uses Text::ParseWords which is both
> horribly slow and has ridiculously complex regexps that sometimes
> cause Perl to segfault, especially if the input data is large.

But it seems I cannot reproduce the bug on the command-line.
> I've patched my copy of Mon and Mon::Client to use split in the
> cases that are most likely to cause a problem.  If you're interested
> I can send you the patch.

Yes, please. It is simpler to patch mon than to recompile
Apache+mod_perl :-{ (Specially since I have to run also SSL, PHP and
mod_python on the same box.)

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