I am having trouble to get mon working with heartbeat and apache. Any suggestion or 
help will be appreciated with configuration. As soon as I disable the http alert on my 
configuration the heartbeat works properly.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

My mon.cf is as follows :
# This works with 0.38pre83
# global options
basedir     = /etc/ha.d/mon
cfbasedir   = /etc/ha.d/mon/etc
alertdir    = /etc/ha.d/mon/alert.d
mondir      = /etc/ha.d/mon/mon.d
statedir    = /etc/ha.d/mon/state.d
logdir      = /etc/ha.d/mon/log.d
authfile    = /etc/ha.d/mon/etc/auth.cf
dtlogfile   = /etc/ha.d/mon/log.d/dt.log
dtlogging   = yes
pidfile     = /etc/ha.d/mon/etc/mon.pid
startupalerts_on_reset = no
maxprocs    = 20
histlength  = 100
randstart   = 5s
authtype = userfile
userfile = /etc/ha.d/mon/etc/.mon_passwd
# group definitions (hostnames or IP addresses)

hostgroup photopost_server
# hostgroup sci_server 192.168.10.xxx 192.168.10.xxx

watch photopost_server
    service http
        interval 15s
        monitor http.monitor -p 80 -u
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
             alert photopost.alert -S "web server node member down" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             upalert mail.alert -S "web server is back up" \
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             alertevery 600s
                alertafter 2

My photopost.alert for http service as follows:
/etc/ha.d/mon/alert.d/mail.alert $*
/etc/init.d/heartbeat stop

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