On Fri, 7 May 2004, Allyn Baskerville wrote:

> Part of the watch statement is as follows:
>         interval 30s
>         monitor fping.monitor -r 2 -t 2000
>         period wd {Mon-Sat} hr {7am-10pm}
>             alertevery 4h
>             alertafter 3 2m
> Does "-r 2 -t 2000" add two missed retries toward the 3 missed alerts, or only 1. It 
> appears to me as if it is. Thanks - Allyn

the alertafter controls when alerts are sent. the "-r 2" controls how
the monitor registers a failure. so, "-r 2" means that fping.monitor
will pass that to fping, which will retry pinging a host twice before
reporting it as a failure. "alertafter 3 2m" means that an alert will
be sent only after fping.monitor fails three times within two minutes.

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