Hi folks!

I'd like to define my own environment variable in a service
definition in the mon.cf file, and then have a client retrieve
the value of that variable.  The Client.pm module provides a
get() function that appears to be exactly for that purpose,
but I'm having trouble getting it to work.

Here's the relevant part of my service definition in the
config file.  Note the definition of my "custom" environment
variable MY_KEYWORD.

watch Traps
    service testtrap

And here's the code that I'm using during a client session to retrieve the value of MY_KEYWORD:

$kwd = $session->get("Traps", "testtrap", "MY_KEYWORD");

I expect the value of $kwd to be "Hello", but instead it's
always the empty string (not undefined, as would be expected
if the get() command failed for some reason).

Am I misunderstanding the purpose of the get() function?

Tim Klein
Dallas, Texas

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