
/sorry for my pooor english i'm french .../

I have a high disponibility solution (lvs / mon / heartbeat)
My webservers host 2 web sites.

WebsiteA : adressIP:80
WebsiteB : adressIP:8099

I want that Mon watch each Ports so i wrote this :

------- part of mon.cf ------
watch RealServer
    service http
        interval 30s
        monitor http.monitor -p 80
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
        numalerts 1
            alert lvs.alert
            upalert lvs.alert
    service http
        interval 30s
        monitor http.monitor -p 8099
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
        numalerts 1
            alert lvs.alert
            upalert lvs.alert

but lvs.alert is called only if adressIP:8099 is down ...

Thanks for your ideas.


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