
I have run into a problem where mon seg faults when the output of a
monitor exceeds a certain size.  Looks it's right around the 4 KB
limit.  I've written a quick-and-dirty bash script to check for free
space on the hosts in a hostgroup, and it works fine when the hostgroup
contains just a few hosts.  But when I attempt to test with a larger
hostgroup (9 or more), mon.cgi gives an Internal Server Error, and
monshow simply displays a segmentation fault.

Basically the script works by ssh'ing to the servers and running df -h,
then parses the output looking for a value in the Use field that is
greater than or equal to a specified value.  The monitor returns as
output a status message about which host/partition is near capacity, and
also the output of df -h for each host.  I have added an option to the
monitor script to suppress the df-per-host output, and if I activate
this option in the mon.cf file, everything works great: I still get
alerts if a server has an almost full partition, but of course the
detailed output is missing.  I wish to be able to use mon.cgi to quickly
check the disk usage on all of the hosts, so this output is very important.

I have found that when the output is over 4 KB, the problem occurs. 
After doing some testing, I was able to make it work by getting the
output down to about 3.5 KB or so.  I did this by removing the header
columns (Filesystem, Size, Used, etc) and the /dev/shm entry as these
rows are not critical.  However my concern is that once I begin to add
more hosts to the hostgroup, I will again run into this problem as the
output gets larger.  When running mon with debugging enabled, the debug
output started listing integers, one per line in sequential order, about
one per second, and never terminating or moving onto other monitors
until I stopped mon.  It was at this point that monshow displayed
segmentation fault.

My question is, is anyone aware of a limitation in the expected output
of a monitor returned to mon?  I briefly looked through mon's source,
but didn't come across anything to give any clues.

Thanks in advance ;-)


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