Quoting David Nolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sorry to hear your employer ties your hands like that.  0.99.2 has some
> serious problems, including some that can trigger a perl bug that results
> in a perl segfault.

Yeah I know. It's not that i'm not capable of it. The company chose to stick to an "Enterpise Linux" version so they can get support tickets from Suse on the software. Good news is, that this is my last month working for them :o) I'll compile CVS on my Debian Sarge machine and test your enhancement. I know about the problems with 0.99.2, but so far (I'm lucky I guess) I haven't had any problems with segfaulting.

> I don't remember whether the 1.0pre* series has this fix, but in 1.1* a
> unrecognized option in the period section will result in an error.
> Can you post a snippet of your current config and the resulting error
> message?

Sure i can:

watch CDS-dirxml
    service idm2-drivers
        description DirXML driver monitoring
        interval 60s
        monitor idm2.monitor
        exclude_period wd {Mon} md {1-7} hr {17-22}
        period wd {Mon-Fri} hr {9-16}
                alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                upalert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                alert mobile.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                upalert mobile.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                alertevery 1h
                alertafter 2
        period wd {Mon-Fri} hr {17-8}, wd {Sat-Sun}
                alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                upalert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                alert mobile.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                upalert mobile.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                alertevery 1h
                alertafter 2

At start of the mon daemon:

cf error: unknown syntax [exclude_period wd {Mon} md {1-7} hr {17-22}], line 69


Sebastiaan Veldhuisen

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