Has anyone run into a problem where mon, in all its outputs (monshow, monfailures, mon.cgi) is returning anything generated by a config file (i.e., the description) or a monitoring output (i.e., tcp.monitor), with a “20” instead of a space?


For example, if my config file has a description in it like:


description This is my description


Then it shows up via monshow and mon.cgi (dumped directly to a file, not through a browser) as:




But if I create the config file to be:


   description This\ is\ my\ description


then I get my normal description:


            This is my description


That trick doesn’t work for the alerts file, though.  Escaping spaces still has the “20”’s in them.


Any thoughts?  I’m running mon v 1.22 (7/13/2006) and monshow v 1.1 (6/29/2006).




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