I installed recently the latest cvs (1-2-0) of both the monitor and of 
the client.

I put mon.cgi in my web server, but when I run it - basically it spits 
out into the logs:

Cannot locate object "list_views" via package "Mon::Client" at ..... 
mon.cgi line 2175 <GENO> line 1.

I've installed monshow there and it seems to work fine.  No problem man. 
  I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to have it expand each group 
into its different tests?

For instance I have a group for phoneInfrastructure - when it fails, I 
can only tell the whole group failed, not the specific item in there. 
Obviously I can create single entry groups, but I was hoping there was 
an easier way.  I looked at views, but while they were helpful, did not 
actually lead me to a solution.

Oh this is on OpenBSD 3.9

Thanks for any help.

I also have a problem with fping and unidentified output, but we talked 
about this before so I am going to go stfw and archives on that one.

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