  I didn't notice any config option for syslog. I'll try the -O flag
tomorrow when I get into work. Thanks for your help!

On 11/21/06, David Nolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --On Monday, November 20, 2006 16:40:46 -0500 Video Game Junkie
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm running a FC5 Linux box and was looking to give mon a try. I
> > checked out all the files and installed everything. I can start mon
> > fine and get failure notices, but I don't see anything getting logged.
> > I looked through the list archives and noticed that it should be
> > logging to syslog, but there are no entries there.
> Jae,
> The only differences with how Mon uses syslog between 0.99.2 and the CVS
> 1.2.0rc code is with how the syslog facility is chosen and how syslog is
> initialized.
> Are you setting the syslog facility in your mon config, or passing it as an
> argument on the mon command line via '-O'?
> -David
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