* Anderson, Bill wrote:
> I don't know, but I'm willing to help, if anyone thinks of areas to
> improve on.
> Bill Anderson
> Technical Services Group
> Supporting the Department of Economic Development
> Information Technology Services Division
> MO Office of Administration

I asked the question to find out what the state of things were.  I
didn't want to step on any toes.

I have a revised version of mon.cgi at

From our site
"Our customized version of the web UI that ships with the mon software.
Many improvements including xhtml 1.0 output, CSS support, smaller size,
& a cleaner UI."

Our company has used the software since 2003 & made numerous changes to
it for our benefit.  Over the last two months I have reviewed &
documented these changes in addition to making & documenting many more.

We now offer them back to the Open Source Community.

My changes or additions to the code are clearly marked, along with an
explanation of why I did it.  Deletions are not noted.
I don't claim to know what I'm doing or to understand what the "Eight
Thing" is for this software.  However What I have done works for me.
I hope you all like it.


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

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