-------- Message initial --------
De: Jim Trocki <troc...@gmail.com>
À: Smaïne Kahlouch <smain...@free.fr>
Cc: mon@linux.kernel.org
Sujet: Re: LDAPS monitoring on port 636
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 13:50:26 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 16 Dec 2009, Smaïne Kahlouch wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I would like to know if it's possible to monitor my ldap server using
> the ldap.monitor or another way and by issuing a request to the port 636
> instead of port 389.

simply use "monitor ldap.monitor --port 636"


Oki thanks i'll do that.
My server is listening with a FQDN.

To reach it you have to use for exemple ldaps://ldap.domain.tld.

How can i configure mon in order to connect to my server using ldap.domain.tld ?


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