On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Nathan Gibbs <nat...@cmpublishers.com> wrote:
> * Augie Schwer wrote:
>> so running this monitor on an IPv4 only host, may give you some false
>> negatives.
> So if I query the IPv6 only NS from an IPv4 only host we get an error,
> although nothing is wrong. Do I got that right?

Yes, Net::DNS::Resolver will behave as if you gave it an empty string
for the name server to query.

> Is there a TLD that has an IPv6 only NS for testing purposes?
> I tested the monitor on .com .net .org and .info, so they don't have IPv6 only
> NS's.

The .us TLD has one of its six name servers that only has an IPv6 address.

> I've already done a bit of code cleanup, and was planning another release
> soon, so it would be great if I could get this issue fixed.

You'll want to loop through your list of TLD name servers and remove
ones from the list that don't have an "A" record:

my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
my $que = $res->query($tldnsname,'A');
if ( $que )
    # leave loop after we found one good one.
    my @answer = $que->answer;
    last if $answer[0]->type eq 'A';

I know that's out of context, but you get the idea.

The other thing to consider is making this all optional -- a IPv6
enabled mon host operator may not want you to force IPv4 on them.

Augie Schwer    -    au...@schwer.us    -    http://schwer.us
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