On Tue, 1 Feb 2011, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

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On 2/1/11 20:40 , Nathan Gibbs wrote:
Same Here, its been crawling ever since it was switched to https.
I mean, seriously, are the wiki contents that classified? ;-)
If we needed an encrypted data stream, we could just read some of the mon code
in plain text.

Google "firesheep".  Also, the last machine I saw https overhead cause
significant performance issues on was a Sparc IPX; I have to think it's a
bit more involved than that.

right, even a cursory inspection shows that it has nothing to do with
ssl. the certificate is sent immediately, it's verified by the client,
the cipher spec is established, the symmetrical key exchange happens,
and the encrypted channel begins working without hesitation. apache
responds immediately to bad urls. however, the response for the wiki
server takes the time, not anything related to the ssl protocol. brandon,
i agree that something else is the complication.

i had a brief chat with the admin, he's aware of the problem and knows
that the behavior has changed, but he has a higher-priority iron in the
fire at the moment and he'll continue working on the wiki issue once
that cools off. so, thanks for the reports everyone, and hang in there.

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