On 2/6/07, Guy Ridout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Luis, I truly appreciate the quick reply and your eagerness to help. It's
> refreshing to have software w/ service! Thank you.
> I tried running the command you suggest:
> C:\projects\rails-prod\wingate>ruby.exe c:\ruby\bin\mongrel_rails start -e
> production -p 4001 -a -l log/mongrel.log -P log/mongrel.pid -c c
>  :/projects/rails-prod/wingate -t 0 -r public -n 1024 --prefix /wingate
>  INVALID COMMAND: invalid option: --prefix
> It fails saying there is no --prefix option. Thinking maybe I don't have the
> latest version, I did the following:
> C:\projects\rails-prod\wingate>gem update mongrel_service
> Updating installed gems...
> Need to update 23 gems from http://gems.rubyforge.org
> .......................
> complete
> Attempting remote update of mongrel_service
> Select which gem to install for your platform (i386-mswin32)
>  1. mongrel_service 0.3.1 (mswin32)
>  2. mongrel_service 0.1 (ruby)
>  3. Cancel installation
> > 1
> Successfully installed mongrel_service-0.3.1-mswin32
> Installing ri documentation for mongrel_service-0.3.1-mswin32.. .
> Installing RDoc documentation for mongrel_service-0.3.1-mswin32...
> Gems: [mongrel_service] updated
> Following this update, the command fails with the same message. Any ideas?

Mmm, did you update mongrel gem too?

$ gem install mongrel --include-dependencies

Mongrel version should be 1.0.1

You should notice the "Mounting Rails at ..." line in the output:

>mongrel_rails start --prefix /test
** Starting Mongrel listening at
** Starting Rails with development environment...
** Mounting Rails at /test...
D:0:Warning: require_gem is obsolete.  Use gem instead.
** Rails loaded.
** Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins
** Signals ready.  INT => stop (no restart).
** Mongrel available at
** Use CTRL-C to stop.

I tried the same here and it worked, maybe you have an older mongrel version.

> Btw, I apologize if this post breaks the original thread. I'm a mailing list
> newbie, and I didn't have my email settings correct, so there is nothing I
> can reply to (assuming that is what I'm supposed to do!).

Its good that you bring this to mongrel list, we all started as newbies ;-)
try replying to the last mail you get in the same thread (ex, mine, no
mater it the Topic get modified with 're:' by your mail software).

Luis Lavena
Multimedia systems
Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort,
which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that
is worthwhile.
Vince Lombardi
Mongrel-users mailing list

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