Hi Martin,

 Awesome, that works perfectly. Thank you.


From: Martin Pala <mart...@tildeslash.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 1:26 AM
To: Mehul Ved
Cc: This is the general mailing list for monit
Subject: Re: Websockets monitoring


the websocket test is fixed to support non-pong frames sent by server (such as 
the mentioned chat prompt). Tested with your websocket service, works fine.

You can get the latest code with fix here: 


On 05 Mar 2014, at 13:05, Mehul Ved 
<mehul....@nexsales.com<mailto:mehul....@nexsales.com>> wrote:

Sure, you can use it for testing.

On Mar 5, 2014 5:04 PM, Martin Pala 
<mart...@tildeslash.com<mailto:mart...@tildeslash.com>> wrote:

Thanks for the trace.

It seems that your server responds with pong (in packet no. 11), but before 
that, it sends chat text frame with "who" prompt (in packet no. 9):

No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Length 
      4 0.000384                HTTP     309    
GET / HTTP/1.1

No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Length 
      6 0.001237                HTTP     197    
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Length 
      8 0.001303                WebSocket 70    
 WebSocket Ping [FIN]

    1... .... = Fin: True
    .000 .... = Reserved: 0x00
    .... 1001 = Opcode: Ping (9)
    0... .... = Mask: False
    .000 0000 = Payload length: 0

No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Length 
      9 0.002225                WebSocket 75    
 WebSocket Text [FIN]

    1... .... = Fin: True
    .000 .... = Reserved: 0x00
    .... 0001 = Opcode: Text (1)
    0... .... = Mask: False
    .000 0101 = Payload length: 5
        Text: "who"

No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Length 
     11 0.003986                WebSocket 70    
 WebSocket Pong [FIN]

    1... .... = Fin: True
    .000 .... = Reserved: 0x00
    .... 1010 = Opcode: Pong (10)
    0... .... = Mask: False
    .000 0000 = Payload length: 0

At this point Monit expects response to its own request, so the protocol test 

The server response is OK, we just need to allow server messages (such as this 
prompt) not related to our own ping request. The 
websocket.org<http://websocket.org/>'s service works differently ... it's not 
chat service, just echo, so it doesn't send any prompt.

Will fix the test.

Can i use your websocket servis (from the previous email) to verify the test 
works with it?


On 05 Mar 2014, at 12:13, Mehul Ved 
<mehul....@nexsales.com<mailto:mehul....@nexsales.com>> wrote:

Hi Martin,
 It's a custom application developed by us in node.js. I'll speak to my 
developer and ensure that our application is made RFC compliant. That would be 
a much cleaner solution.

I'm attaching the pcap file.
 on behalf of Martin Pala 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 3:58 PM
To: This is the general mailing list for monit
Subject: Re: Websockets monitoring


it seems that your websocket server doesn't support ping/pong (part of 
websocket specification: RFC 6455) and instead sent some text frame in response 
to ping ... either the text frame contains some error description, websocket 
ping request is prohibited or the server is not RFC 6455 compliant.

The problem can be in the test configuration ... the version 13, origin 
"http://www.websocket.org<http://www.websocket.org/>" works with the demo echo 
websocket server operate by websocket.org<http://websocket.org/>. Each 
websocket application has its own version and 13 may be invalid in your case. 
Also the origin is part of websocket security model and origin 
"http://www.websocket.org<http://www.websocket.org/>" is basically settings for 
websocket.org<http://websocket.org/>'s service ... not general value - but if 
it was not accepted by the server, it should return 403 error as response to 
HTTP upgrade request, which it didn't (101 was received, otherwise there will 
be different error in log).

The websocket.org<http://websocket.org/> demo with "location" works for 
ws://dev.deltamktgresearch.com:10301</owa/?wa=wsignin1.0>, but their echo test 
doesn't use ping - it sends just text frame ... such test is not generic and 
may fail in other websocket implementations (connect+ping/pong+close should be 
generic for every RFC compliant server).

We can simplify the test and rely only on websocket connection (http upgrade 
request) + websocket close ... this should work on all websocket servers, even 
those which don't support ping/pong.

Please can you get a network trace of the test? You can use for example 
tcpdump/tshark/wireshark/snoop, tcpdump on the machine where Monit is running:

       tcpdump -s 0 -i any -w websocket.pcap port 10301

If there is also regular traffic which you don't want to expose to mailing 
list, either filter out only the Monit session packets or send the file 
directly to me.


On 05 Mar 2014, at 09:32, Mehul Ved 
<mehul....@nexsales.com<mailto:mehul....@nexsales.com>> wrote:

Hi Martin,
I tried using the new version of monit but it fails on `monit validate` for 

$ which monit

$ monit --version
This is Monit version 5.8
Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Tildeslash Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

The lines I've added:

if failed host dev.deltamktgresearch.com<http://dev.deltamktgresearch.com/> 
port 10301 protocol websocket
  host "dev.deltamktgresearch.com<http://dev.deltamktgresearch.com/>"
  request "/"
  origin "http://www.websocket.org<http://www.websocket.org/>"
  version 13
  then alert

$ monit validate --verbose
'wsserver' zombie check succeeded [status_flag=0000]
'wsserver' succeeded connecting to 
INET[dev.deltamktgresearch.com<http://dev.deltamktgresearch.com/>:10301/] via 
'wsserver' failed protocol test [WEBSOCKET] at 
INET[dev.deltamktgresearch.com<http://dev.deltamktgresearch.com/>:10301/] via 
TCP -- WEBSOCKET: pong error -- opcode 0x1

Using location ws://dev.deltamktgresearch.com:10301</owa/?wa=wsignin1.0> in 
location box on http://websocket.org<http://websocket.org/> works perfectly. It 
responds with "who" which is correct. Is there a way to set send/expect to 
check for the correct response?
 on behalf of Martin Pala 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 2:29 PM
To: This is the general mailing list for monit
Subject: Re: Websockets monitoring


we have implemented the websocket protocol test, example usage:

check host websocket.org<http://websocket.org/> with address 
  if failed port 80 protocol websocket
    host "echo.websocket.org<http://echo.websocket.org/>"
    request "/"
    origin "http://www.websocket.com<http://www.websocket.com/>"
    version 13
  then alert

The test connects to websocket, performs ping/pong test and closes the 

If you want to test it, you can get the development Monit version here: 


      tar -xzf master.tar.gz
      cd tildeslash-monit-*
      ./bootstrap && ./configure && make

The monit binary will be in current directory, you can install it to 
"/usr/local/bin" using "make install"


On 24 Feb 2014, at 07:23, Mehul Ved 
<mehul....@nexsales.com<mailto:mehul....@nexsales.com>> wrote:

I have a node.js service that works as a websocket server. I am working on 
monitoring it using monit. I haven't been able to find any information about 
using websockets with monit either in the group archives or using google 
search. Has anybody worked on this before?
Is it possible to monitor websockets in monit currently without adding in a 
websocket client script in between? I can definitely do that but wanted to 
check if there's a better way to do it without any additional component.
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